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Auditor Ramesh murder case Judgment to be given within 2 months: High Court orders Poontamalli court | Auditor Ramesh murder case

Chennai: The High Court has directed the Poontamalli Special Court to investigate the Salem Auditor Ramesh murder case daily and give a verdict within 2 months.

Auditor Ramesh, a BJP figure from Salem, was murdered in 2013. In this case Bilal Malik, Banna Ismail, Police Bakrudin and many others were arrested. The case is pending before the special court for hearing NIA cases in Poontamalli.

Auditor Ramesh's mother V. Kamala said in the High Court case in this regard, "My son Ramesh was an administrator of RSS from 1978 and then worked as an administrator of BJP. Last year 2013, my son was killed by Islamic extremists.

In this case, a charge sheet was filed in the Poontamalli court in 2014. The witness to the murder is now 80 years old. I am 91 years old. Justice has not yet been served in my son's murder case. Therefore, this case should be ordered to be investigated quickly."

The case came up for hearing before Justice RN Manjula. "The case has been adjourned at least 50 times in the name of counselling. But there is no detail as to what kind of counseling and for whom.

Petitioner is justified in requesting that the trial of this case be expedited. Therefore, the judge has ordered that the Auditor Ramesh murder case should be investigated on a day-to-day basis by the Poontamalli Special Court and give a verdict within 2 months.

The post Auditor Ramesh murder case Judgment to be given within 2 months: High Court orders Poontamalli court | Auditor Ramesh murder case first appeared on AllMaa .


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